The Chiswell Society

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

The Chiswell Society

The main plot follows Victor, a young man from the upper middle class, who lives with his family in London. The story takes place in the Victorian Era. Every drabble is a continuation of the previous one, so even though you can start reading at any point, it's recommended to read the story from the beginning.

Victor: A young man, who dropped out of Oxford and his family is still mad at him for it. He now has to work with his father, who has his own business. Thanks to that job, he meets Henry, who is the son of his father's client. One day, Henry invites him to the Chiswell Society meeting.

Henry (also known as young Mr Astley): He's a few years older than Victor and sometimes represents his father at business meetings. He's married and he and his wife live together in their own house. He got mostly married because of the pressure from his family and from society. He secretly attends the Chiswell Society meetings since he was invited by his first love interest when they were attending a university.

Emily: Victor's fiancé. She really likes Victor and was raised in a world where women are submissive housewives and that's how she envisions her future. But she always kind of hoped that she could do something else with her life.

Mrs. Dawes: Victor's mother. She's very religious and she wants Victor to have the life he's supposed to live (which in her eyes is to finish his studies, get married and have a good job). She still tends to treat Victor as a child because she thinks he's not responsible enough to take care of himself.

Mr. Dawes: Victor's father. He has his own business and he would like Victor to take over the business one day. That's a part of the reason he pressures him to work with him.

Jane: Victor's cousin. She's almost thirty and still single, therefore she's often the target of gossip. She got engaged to a man when she was 21 but then he broke off the engagement and since then, she is not interested in getting married.

The Chiswell Society: A secret club for men who like men. The only way to get in is to be invited by a member. The secrecy is necessary due to the criminalization of homosexuality at that time. They organize different meetings, parties etc. At most of them, they just drink and talk but occasionally the parties can get quite wild.

Other characters who can sometimes appear in the story are Henry's parents, his wife and other members of the Chiswell Society. I might add them in the future when we learn more about them.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



Henry had an incredible selection of wine. Victor was justly impressed.
"Let's open this one. The taste is quite unique. And I know you have a sweet tooth," Henry smiled and showed him the bottle.
"Blueberry wine?"
"It's a bit too sweet for me but you will love it," said Henry. "And it goes with your eyes." Victor wasn't sure about that but didn't say anything.
Mabel wasn't home, so they had the house to themselves. The wine was delicious. Henry was too. They were lying in bed. Victor could be there with him forever.
"She knows," said suddenly Henry.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



"I just want to be selfish," said Victor softly and nuzzled into Henry's nape. They were lying in bed, spooning.
"I thought we were being selfish," Henry replied, then turned around to face Victor. "Why do you think we are here?" he laughed.
"You know what I mean," said Victor. "I love being here with you, in the middle of nowhere. This weekend was incredible! This was the best birthday present. I didn't miss the city at all! I just wish it could always be like this."
Henry gently cupped his face and kissed him. "Me, too, love. Me, too."

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



Every time he met someone new, it was thanks to his parents. It was always a girl from a good family. They met with their families present before talking alone in the sitting room or going for a walk. It was more about his father's business interests than anything else. But it was safe and Victor didn't have to do anything to "make it work". But then he realized why it always felt safe. He wasn't risking anything. No tears. No heartbreak.
Now he found Henry and didn't want to let go. Dinner. It sounded so simple and yet, terrifying.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



They finally talked. It was time. Time to be mature. And yet, the feelings inside of him screamed, then laughed, then cried.
They were living in the golden age. This was it. Everything was modernized, England was doing so well. And yet, two men living together?!
Well, it was possible. Two unknown bachelors could live in peace. But they were married and definitely not anonymous. At least not in this city.
Victor was considering all the pluses and minuses of every possible solution but their lives were still uncertain. Everything was. Their future, their present, their feelings for each other.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



He was running in circles between his real life and his dream life. And neither of them felt complete. He felt empty and alone. Although Emily was incredible. He couldn't ask for a more caring and understanding wife. But that was the issue, he never asked for a wife.
How long can this farce go on for? A few months? A year? What about five? What is he going to do then? How long, until they are forced to have children? He couldn't get these thoughts out of his head even when he was oscillating in front of Henry's house.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

I'm too tired today, so hopefully it's okay, I can't tell anymore.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Still Holding On


Alcohol, sex


They talked or rather... argued. But everything she told him was now blissfully lost in a soft alcoholic haze. Here, he was able to forget. At least for a little bit. At least for one night.
The whisky felt good. The lips on his felt even better. His hands were impatiently grabbing the man's ass and his mouth opened to invite him even closer.
He looked like Henry. He felt like Henry. He couldn't be Henry. He wasn't here.
And even though the whisky decreaced the retention of bad memories, his heart was still desperately holding onto all those feelings.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Talk to Me


It was a cold Friday evening in London. Last week, he was already dressed up, ready to get lost. To forget his pain. Except, he didn't. Meeting Henry still felt like a dream. They haven't seen each other since. Henry didn't send a note. And now, Victor was sitting at the dining table with Emily. They were having supper.
"I am not sure whether you or the fruit look more devastated," said Emily and Victor looked up in a confusion. "You are torturing that poor thing," she added, pointing at his plate. He looked down and stopped. They were quiet.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



He didn't tell her everything. But he told her enough. Things he never thought he could share. Especially with his wife.
That happened two days ago. They didn't talk about it since. Emily asked him what he wanted to do but he didn't have an answer.
Now, he was standing there, watching her smiling while handing out the shoes. The children were standing and patiently waiting for their turn. Victor knew that before she started working here, nobody cared about these orphans. But she did. They all adored her. And she adored them. And Victor, for the first time, understood.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Good Morning, Sweetheart


It was almost dawn when he finally got home. He was exhausted. But when he entered his bedroom, he froze. Emily was sitting on his bed. Her body was relaxed but her eyes were focused. She looked like she didn't get much sleep either.
Victor slowly took off his jacket.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Waiting for you."
"I-" Victor tried to say before Emily interrupted him.
"Victor," she said. "I am not here to argue with you. I am not going to yell."
Victor was listening. Confused.
"I just want you to finally be honest with me."

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Bare It All

Úvodní poznámka: 

Warning: sexually explicit


Victor was sitting on a sofa, holding a glass of whisky. The fingers of his other hand were gripping the blond hair of a man, whose head was between Victor's legs.
But Victor didn't care. Everything felt numb. And yet, he still couldn't get him out of his head.
And suddenly, there he was. Or maybe just a fata morgana.
Victor pushed the man away but didn't move. His penis was now half-hard and exposed.
Henry was watching him, probably contemplating the same thing.
Should he? Should they?
Soon their lips and bodies were colliding, trying to satisfy their thirst.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Yay for questionable decisions.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Broken Promises


"Who is she?" Mabel asked.
"Where did you meet her?" Maisie continued.
"Why did you do that?"
"Is she married?"
His heart was beating fast. Tears of sweat were forming on his face and neck. He couldn't believe, she would bring her sister here.
"Look, I'm not stupid," Mabel said in a stern voice. "I know you were cheating on me. I just assumed you stopped when our son was born."
"But I-" Henry protested.
"Tell me," Mabel interrupted. "Do you love her?"
"I don't kno-" he wanted to lie. Make up more excuses.
But then his eyes betrayed him.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

More Than Once

Úvodní poznámka: 

Thank you for reading my drabbles and for all the amazing comments <3


"I think the first boy I liked... was Hugh. We were best friends for years. Then his family moved away..."
The man beside him nodded. They were still laying in bed, naked.
Victor knew he should go. But he couldn't. This was the first time he felt whole again.
"Was he your first kiss?"
Victor shook his head. "No."
He didn't want to think about Henry now. How the feeling of his lips was almost electric. How he smelled of sherry and expensive cigars.
Victor kissed him again, tracing his way down the stranger's body.
Trying. But unable to forget.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

A Family Matter


It was a long luxurious dinner at Emily's parents' house. Relatives of both Emily and Victor were invited. It seemed to Victor like everybody lost any sense of reason in that house. Every single conversation revolved around him and Emily having children. The sooner the better. Like wind up toys on repeat. Thankfully, Emily wasn't having it either. She decided though to stay there overnight.
He excused himself early because of work. But instead of going home, he wandered around the dark London alleys until he reached his destination. The house where he never had to think or reason either.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Needs And Wishes


"I don't think I can give you what you need," Victor said, looking away.
Emily was quiet. What did she need? She reached her goal. She was a married woman now. What was next? Having children, raising them. Getting old in the process.
After hours of reflecting, she felt like there should be something more. The thought was terrifying. She willingly chained herself up to somebody and right now, she felt like she was suffocating. She needed to breathe.
"I think I need a job," she said. Victor looked at her, eyes wide. But then he smiled.
"Alright," he said.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



It was late. Emily was sitting on a divan, reading a book. Victor was in his office. Working. And probably getting drunk.
This wasn't how Emily imagined their marriage. Living next to each other, rather than together. He rarely kissed her or touched her. On their wedding night, he got so drunk he just fell asleep. And he made no advances to her afterwards.
It felt like involuntary fasting. Like eating bread when you could have cake. She was starved for some affection. Angry. Sad. Disappointed.
But she was a woman. She couldn't make the first move. Or could she?!

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Broken Wings


Victor was standing in the sitting room alone, looking out the window. It was getting dark outside and a butterfly with blue wings was sitting on the window sill.
Close, open, close, open.
It can fly away any second now.
That thought made Victor feel like he was suffocating. He wanted to catch the butterfly and crush it in his hand. He wanted to grow wings and fly away.
"Darling?" He heard Emily's sweet voice calling from the dining room. He realized he was clenching his fists. He smiled, leaving the room. Red nail marks stayed carved into his palms.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



"Get closer, please," said the man with a big dark moustache.
They both shifted towards each other. Emily looked gorgeous. She was wearing a beautiful lacy gown with a veil and orange flowers in the hair. She quickly fixed them.
"You look beautiful, sweetheart," shouted Emily's mother, standing behind the cameraman. Emily smiled for a second but then quickly corrected herself. She wanted the photo to turn out perfect. Just like their marriage.
She dreamed of this moment for years.
The camera was ready. Now they just had to stay still until the memories permanently engrave themselves into the glass.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter


Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuji téma ze 3.4. "Rozkaz zněl jasně".


"I thought I was clear," his father said. "I am not having this under my roof!"
"I am not drinking under your roof," Victor replied.
"Do you think I'm stupid? Drinking, drugs... whores!"
The punch that followed was strong enough that Victor almost lost his footing.
"Have some responsibility! You are getting married, for God's sake!"
Victor didn't answer. It didn't matter if it meant his father will hit him again. Nothing mattered. He licked his busted lip and waited. He wasn't living anyway. He was barely surviving. And a large dark hole grew where his heart used to be.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



Victor was half sitting, half laying down on the sofa. His cheeks were red and his eyes hazy. In a loose grip, he was holding an empty glass.
"It's almost dawn," a man sitting next to him said and stood up. He started to button-down his vest.
Victor quickly sprung up and grabbed his wrist. "Let's stay," he said. Those dark brown eyes met his. The stranger smiled.
Hand in hand they stumbled into one of the bedrooms. The vest came off. Victor started clumsily unbuttoning his own shirt.
If it were up to him, they would stay there forever.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



He mindlessly wandered through Chelsea before getting a cab. Now, they didn't even want a password. First drink, second, third. Then he stopped counting.
As he was leaving, he saw Henry, walking to Mabel, smiling. What a hypocrite! He might be sweet and caring now but Victor knew better. Henry was a selfish asshole who only did what was good for him. He didn't care about anybody's feelings.
Victor wanted to cry. But men don't cry.
A handsome man sat down next to him, smiling, flirting, whispering. And Victor wished, for a second, that he could be selfish for once.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Okay, I'm heartbroken, too. Alright?!

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

You Don't Have a Choice

Úvodní poznámka: 

Well... this is happening I guess.


"So, are you just going to put on the face of a loving husband and" he hesitated. "A father?"
"Who says I'm not a loving husband?" Henry asked, his jaw clenched.
Victor couldn't help it but laugh. "I don't think what you are doing is a sign of love."
"What did you think this was?" Henry scoffed. "A love story with happily ever after? We barely know each other."
Victor's heart sank in his chest and he suddenly couldn't swallow. "I don't want to pretend anymore," he said.
"Well," Henry looked him in the eye. "You don't have a choice."

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

The Answer


The rain, powerfully beating into the pavement and occasional sound of thunder already sounded ominous. The sad violin melody, coming from the inside just completed the symphony. Victor was shaking, terrified of what is to come. He never received an answer. He knocked.
The butler politely told him to leave but Victor ignored him. He pushed him aside and ran into the drawing room.
Henry quickly stopped playing when he noticed him. Mabel, his wife, got up and greeted him with a polite smile. But Victor didn't notice.
His eyes could only focus on the large belly under her dress.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Frcq uxen

Úvodní poznámka: 

Hint: 9


Mnja Qnwah,
R’en bnnw hxda ojcqna jwm qn mrmw’c vnwcrxw hxd. Jan hxd fnuu? r qxyn nenahcqrwp rb juarpqc. Rc’b knnw vjwh mjhb brwln fn’en bnnw njlq xcqna jwm r ljw’c bcxy cqrwtrwp jkxdc hxd. R rvjprwn hxda qjwmb cxdlqrwp vn. Hxda uryb xw vh uryb. R qxyn r’v wxc cxx kxum oxa bjhrwp cqrb. R onnu mroonanwc nena brwln hxd trbbnm vn urtn hxd fxdum trbb j fron. R twxf vh cqxdpqcb jan brwodu kdc r mxw’c twxf fqjc cx mx. R qjen onnurwpb oxa hxd jwm r wnnm cx twxf ro hxd onnu cqn bjvn.
Hxdab brwlnanuh,

Závěrečná poznámka: 

I thought it would be nice to write something that makes kind of sense as a cypher. This drabble is a letter from Victor to Henry and he wouldn't probably be able to send it as a normal text anyway at that time.

It's a simple cypher where all letters of the alphabet moved 9 spaces to the right (when you write it down).

Title: With love

Dear Henry,
I’ve seen your father and he didn’t mention you. Are you well? I hope everything is alright. It’s been many days since we’ve seen each other and I can’t stop thinking about you. I imagine your hands touching me. Your lips on my lips. I hope I’m not too bold for saying this. I feel different ever since you kissed me like you would kiss a wife. I know my thoughts are sinful but I don’t know what to do. I have feelings for you and I need to know if you feel the same.
Yours sincerely,

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Let's talk business

Úvodní poznámka: 

I just had to finally write something from this fandom <3


It was early in the morning and Victor and his father were sitting in a fancy pub in Chelsea. Mister Astley, Henry's father, was sitting across from them.
"The advertisement will be printed in the paper every day for three weeks," said his father.
They were there to talk business but Victor had trouble concentrating. He was secretly hoping Henry would be there, too. Why wasn't he? Victor couldn't ask. Instead, he put his business face on.
"Of course, we can repeat it in a few weeks, just to make sure that everybody sees it," Victor added with a smile.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

The Struggle


It was late afternoon. Victor and Emily were walking through The Regent's Park, talking. It was strange. They knew each other since childhood but when they got engaged, it suddenly felt inappropriate to be alone together. They both laughed when the wind almost blew their hats off.
Victor couldn't help it but imagine Henry being here with them. His slightly longer black hair, blowing in the wind. Victor imagined running his fingers through it. Henry's eyes locked into Victor's. Henry's lips.
And then came the guilt. This wasn't fair to Emily.
But how do you stop your brain from wishing?!

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Dinner Night


"And he said: "You would kiss me if you cared about me."," said Jane calmly and took another sip from her glass.
"Darling, please, don't be so vulgar," replied Victor's mother. "Let's change the topic, shall we?"
Victor was sitting on the opposite side of the table right next to Emily. His cheeks were flushed due to the amount of wine he already consumed tonight. How he hated these family events. And Jane, his cousin, always had stories to tell. Victor presumed she made them all up in order to shock everybody.
He wasn't so bold. He would never tell.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Locked up


It was late. Victor was sitting at his desk, writing. The only source of light in the room was a tall white candle. He was trying to be discreet. Since the costume party, he was forbidden from leaving the home alone.
"Dear Henry," he wrote again. There was a big pile of scrunched up pieces of paper on the floor. He just couldn't get this right. He wanted to apologize, to say he misses him. Could he?! Should he?! They barely knew each other.
He checked the time. Eleven? Almost. One word after another.
A love letter? Sin? A confession.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter



Victor was standing on the street, looking up. Two floors, square windows with light brown frames and big intimidating wooden door.
Was his mother still awake? Did she tell his father? Is he going to be able to come home after that?
He was cold and freezing. It was raining heavily and he couldn't find a cab. He could see lightning cut through the black sky. The rumbling noise afterwards startled him. It was close. Like a drum, mourning a dead person.
His skin was still sensitive from all those kisses. Touches.
He turned around. He can't come home tonight.

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Something Was Missing


Guilt. In every single bone. He never talked to his parents like that. He never ran away.
Now, he was sitting next to Henry. They both were wearing masks. Victor improvized by wearing his fanciest clothes and a crown his father made him when he was a child. Henry was wearing a red army uniform.
This party was different. Bolder.
Two people were kissing in front of them. They were men. One was wearing a dress. Victor's world was spinning. A new, unexplored territory. The last piece of a puzzle.
"Can I kiss you?" asked Henry softly and Victor nodded.


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