Eraserhead’s Emergency Evacuation

Obrázek uživatele BC_Brynn

Shouta preferred not to deal with Zashi’s disappointed looks, but sometimes needs must.

“Shou-chan, you are aware that you are not, in fact, a cat… right?!”

It was Shouta’s lifelong regret. But he got as close as he could; he had landed just fine.

“You jumped out of the teachers’ lounge window!”

“It was an emergency.”



Zashi sighed. “Nemuri giving you sex tips again, or Nezu-sensei after you with paperwork?”

Shouta ducked his head deeper into his capture weapon. “All Might started crying on me.”

At least Zashi stopped looking disappointed, now that he was too busy laughing.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

V Pravidlách som nenašla usmernenie, či je angličtina povolená, ale historicky bývala, tak dúfam, že je to ok? Ja si už nepamätám, ako sa píše po našom... T_T


Obrázek uživatele Tenny

Co vím, tak Aj a slovenština jsou většinou v pohodě. :)

ALL Might started crying? To bych možná taky skočila z okna. xD

Obrázek uživatele BC_Brynn


Ďakujem. :-))

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